American Idiot Gets His Ass Kicked by Stinging Nettle in Germany

German Word of the Day: “Die Brennnessel,” (Latin: Urtica dioica), better known in America as “Nature’s Little Fuck You.”

Let me begin this post by saying I am not a smart man.

Okay, so I was walking my dog this morning when we stumbled into an overgrown field of stinging nettle, known in Germany as, “die Brennnessel.” We’d spent the previous hour navigating a narrow trail — roughly the width of my foot — lined on both sides with this evil shit. My exposed shins had already been brushed a dozen times by a few uppity leaves, and I was sick of being stung by them. Turning around was not an option. So, I switched my camera on and recorded myself attempting to leap over the nettle to a safe, clear, wonderful patch of dirt.

It did not go well.

*** WARNING: Video contains a little bit of swearing. Just a smidge. ***

And here are a few pictures of the aftermath: burning, itching, stinging and swelling — followed by the gradual diminishing of the rash — and me switching back to my “indoor” voice as I continued to swear like a sailor with the clap.

Please click one of the images to start the slideshow:

Doesn’t hurt anymore, but even as I type this — several hours after the incident — my shins still have that pins and needles sensation, like when you sit on the pooper for too long and both your legs fall asleep.

Thank you for reading and have a wonderful day!


37 thoughts

  1. “like when you sit on the pooper for too long and both your legs fall asleep.” Lol what? I don’t think that’s normal.


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