My German Wife Politely Asks If I Have a Hearing Problem

“Can you hear me MEOW?” — Photo by Travis Isaacs — Image subject to copyright —

So the other day, The Wife and I were watching my favorite movie, Memento. Have you seen it? It’s a psychological thriller starring Guy Pearce, Carrie-Anne Moss and Joe Pantoliano, and directed by Christopher Nolan. It has been my favorite movie ever since my good buddy, Shortround McSugarblood, called me up and said, “Check out Memento, dude. It’s totally you.” That was in the year 2000, and ever since then I have been proclaiming it (annoyingly) as my absolute favorite movie of all time.

Anyway, I recently got around to showing it to my wife, and she loved it too. She had a lot of questions about the plotline though, as one might imagine, but I proved myself fairly useless in explaining it. It’s not that I don’t understand Memento — I can talk about it for hours — it’s that I can’t watch my favorite movie and talk at the same time. I sit there with rapt attention, like a fat man in front of the microwave, and let its glowing brilliance seep into every empty chamber of my brain. I have no cognitive capacity for anything else, so when my wife got up in the middle of the movie to go to the bathroom, I did not hear her at all.

THE WIFE: “Pause the show, please.”

ME: “Hmmmmmm?”

THE WIFE: “PAUSE IT. Are you sitting on your ears?”*

*Translated from the German expression, “Sitzt du auf deinen Ohren?”




16 thoughts

  1. I like your wifes’ expressions. This one made me laugh too! I’m not the biggest fan of this movie though… but who cares. The main thing is that YOU like it. :-)
    (Pssst…. just between us: my book’s making progress: if everything goes as planned it will be published in September!)


  2. I don’t know the movie but I feel with your wife. It is horrible when others sit on their ears. Very irritating ;) Anja


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