My German Wife Orders the Execution of an (Apparently) Female Pest

¡Viva la Revolución!

Our apartment here in Hannover, Germany, has a little south-facing balcony in back. It gets full sun with almost no wind, thanks to the adjoining buildings on either side. During the summer months, our balcony gets so hot we are forced to enjoy Saturday morning brunch in our underpants. Seriously, we eat sliced meats, cheeses and bread rolls wearing little more than the shame God gave us.

I cropped this photo so you couldn’t see my junk.

I don’t know if it’s the heat, lack of wind, or the musk of our traditional German breakfasts, but we are constantly hassled by wasps. They only come one at a time — never in a swarm — but they are relentless. Destroying these wasps is a task which falls squarely upon my American shoulders; I use my baseball cap to swat them right out of the sky, and then separate their heads from their bodies with the brim of my hat, like a big, dull knife. Once a wasp has been decapitated, I set its head upon the ledge of the balcony — eventually gathering 4 or 5 of them and lining them up in a row — as a warning to the rest of the wasp community: “Your kind is not welcome here. All stinging insects will be assassinated without hesitation. (Except honey bees. You guys are cool.)”

During my time as a naturally gifted wasp slayer, (dare I say, artist?), I have learned exactly 2 things:

  1. Wasps give exactly zero fucks about the sight of their decapitated family members.
  2. My wife hates wasps more than I do

So back in September, as we were eating brunch on our balcony, one particularly ballsy fellow landed on a piece of meat on my wife’s plate. I gently brushed the wasp upward, into the air, and smacked it right back down with my baseball cap. It hit the ground, stunned but very much alive, and buzzed its little wings with such fury the dust swirled around it like a pissed-off tornado. That’s when my wife announced:

THE WIFE: “Okay. She can die now.”

ME: *Laughing* “She? Why is it a ‘she‘ and not an ‘it‘? Can you see her little wasp titties or something?”

THE WIFE: “Just kill her!“*

*Apparently, the German noun for “wasp,” (die Wespe), is neither masculine nor neutral; it is feminine. Click here to learn more about the German language in our blog post: An Initial Impression of the German Language: Gender-Based Nouns Are Just Awful.

40 thoughts

  1. Okay… since you’re still learning how to speak German it should be clear, that the wasp is female, shouldn’t it?
    What surprises me more than the “female” wasp is the fact that you didn’t learn to just let the wasp “take a bite”. It’s not even going to DO anything bad… it smells food, goes there and hopes to get a piece. Let it take this piece just by leaving a small piece of meat on a plate by the side of the balcony. They learn fast. If they circle around the plate, they won’t be bothered, means they’ll eat there. They take their bite, fly off and later return to this plate to get another piece – and you won’t be bothered by decapitating poor “hers”… ;-)


    1. Holy Joseph, you actually feed the horrible little demons? That’s like feeding pigeons next to your car so they won’t shit on your car. It may make sense in the short run, but in the long run, you’re just helping them procreate and feed their little demon babies. :)


    2. Actually I only do “stuff” them, so they can get REALLY fat and serve as a satisfying meal for my favorite birds: the sparrows. ;-)


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